Above: Winter post-surgery. I think everyone will agree that her new look is an indesribably amazing improvement over her time as Anthony (former gender pictured below).
Winter's a future rock star, and I'm glad to help give her more awards-acceptance-speech experience. Here's her speech, written just before the final procedure that made her a girl:

Yay!:) I'm a Babe now!:)
I don't know how I can be a babe right now, granted I don't even have my vergina yet...

My album will be out next year... and the music will be up on my official site when it goes up... I have surgery next week and then it'll all be cool... I get the funding for the recording, etc... Please check out the album... It's a self titled release: Winter Laurel Stack...

wow.. after next week... I'll be so vaginal...

I love you everybody! I hope all of you drink to this... My last wednesday with my shewee (female penis)...

I love you all...
Wheat, Corn, and a Whole Lotta Life,

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